Samstag, 15. September 2012

A Cinderella Story

Day 4: A Cinderella Story
Since we had to keep the car charging in Buchs while the batteries were balancing, we only arrived at our hotel in Wildhaus at 0:30. The way to the hotel was a beautiful mountain road. The SunCar was able to show its true sports car spirit, even though it was raining heavily.

At the hotel a problem occurred no one of us has never faced before – the key of the hotel room would not fit. Standing outside in the pouring rain in the middle of nowhere, suddenly a fellow waver, Jack (check out his german blog at:, appeared out of the dark. He had a room in a different hotel and told us that plenty of rooms were free and unlocked. Wet and tiered, but very happy to have a roof above our heads we followed Jack back to his hotel (more a hostel) and went to bed.
Our hostel room in Wildhaus

The next day began quite early and cold, since for some reason a window in our room decided to open by itself.
Leaving Wildhaus we set of to Mosnang, our first stop of the day. There we stopped at a school and got simple breakfast. Each team had one minute to present their cars to the cheerful students (age between 8-12). The school kids rated the cars 1-10 depending on their looks. Of course the SunCar did great in this competition. 

School kids getting ready for "waving"
After Mosnang it was time to go towards Zurich, unfortunately not the city itself, but to Urdorf and Schlieren. Renault welcomed us in Urdorf and the company Smile in Schlieren.  The team used the time to relax and recharge the batteries of our cars. At this point we pretty much felt like Cinderella. Sitting in the cold and rainy weather, having nothing to do but sit around, in addition to the sleep depravity of the last couple of days, our mood wasn’t too great. 
Presentation of Renault E-Cars

At just the right moment Louis Palmer stepped in front of the group (just like a good fairy) and told us, that we get dinner at one of the biggest and nicest castles in the canton of Zug. To be honest, he didn’t exaggerate one bit. The castle was amazing (even in the rain). Also, the owner of the castle was really friendly. We took him for a spin in the SunCar and he was amazed with our work. At this point we definitely felt like the “transformed”  princes, but as the story goes, it soon struck 12. 

Cinderella on the balkony of the castle
Castle at Night
We were assigned to sleep at an apartment of a rotary club member’s mother. The place was nice, but unfortunately the beds for us were missing. We had to sleep on thin mattresses on the floor. It turned out to be more comfortable than we assumed and so we fell to sleep, still thinking about the great time we had a the castle…   

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